Moving Up Age Group

A player shall be registered according to his/her age as of December 31st of their birth year.  A player MUST play in his/her age classification unless it is deemed to be in the best interest of the PMSC, or due to the child's exceptional ability.  All player moves must be approved by the PMSC President and Head Coach. Players can only move up to the age group immediately before their current age group.  The following rules must be taken into account:

  • the child must meet the playing ability of the age group they wish to move up to;
  • this must be in the best interest of both the player and PMSC;
  • a child wanting to move up an age group must not take a spot of a child wishing to register in that age group; and
  •  only after an assessment made by the PMSC Head Coach or other qualified PMSC affiliated individuals in accordance with OSA Policies, can a player be moved up.

Playing Up

With the consent of the player's parents, coach and Divisional Director, a player may be borrowed to participate at a higher division due to a shortage of players at that level or for developmental purposes.  They can only play a maximum of 5 games in an older age group.  If a festival or cup day is the same day, their first priority must be to their own age group.