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PMSC Match Official (Referee) Program

Match Officials (Referees and Assistant Referees)

The Petawawa Minor Soccer Club is committed to the training and development of Match Officials by providing a safe environment that allows all officials to progress at their own pace with opportunities to maximize their potential in a challenging and supportive environment. We offer a multi-tiered program focused on the various levels of soccer offered through the PMSC. Programs are focused on the game and the development of the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to become a successful Match Official.

Career Path

There are two levels of officiating; the Small Sided Game Course (7v7 games) and the Entry Level Game Course (9v9 and 11v11 games). Many of our younger referees begin their careers as officials in the Small Sided Game, as it allows them to develop both knowledge of the game and confidence in their abilities.

Becoming a PMSC Match Official

If you are wishing to become a match official, you must take and pass the appropriate course (see below). Entry-level officials must also take and pass the Respect in Sport for Officials Course.

Returning officials must re-register by March 31st to avoid late fees. Additionally, Levels 4-10 match officials must also take and pass the Respect in Sport for Officials Course.

All registration and course fees are fully reimbursed by the PMSC by submitting proof of payment via a Reimbursement Request form. 

Participants who wish to referee for the Petawawa Minor Soccer Club at the grassroots (U8, U10 and U12) level must successfully complete the Small-Sided Level Course from Ontario Soccer.  To take the course participants must be a minimum of 12 years of age by March 31st, of the current year. Successful graduates are automatically registered with Ontario Soccer and do not have to register again until the following year.

Small Sided Course

7v7 Small Sided Laws of the Game (LOTG)

Participants who wish to referee for the Petawawa Minor Soccer Club at the 11 v 11 level (U13+) must successfully complete the Entry Level Course from Ontario Soccer.  To take the course participants must be a minimum of 14 years of age by March 31st, of the current year. Successful graduates are automatically registered with Ontario Soccer and do not have to register again until the following year. 

Entry Level Course

2023/2024 Laws of the Game (LOTG)

Respect in Sport

Ontario Soccer has partnered with the Respect Group to provide online education for coaches, referees and parents to help create a safe, healthy, and positive environment for children and youth involved in soccer.

The Respect in Sport Program assists coaches, referees, trainers and managers with identifying and dealing with abuse, neglect, harassment and bullying in sport.

The online course for match officials costs $20 plus tax, and the curriculum is divided into seven modules, which only take about one hour total, and can be completed at the user's own pace. Once completed, certification is portable to other sports involved in Respect in Sport. The certification is valid for five years, after which match officials must recertify.

Please note that match officials and coaches have different Respect in Sport courses. Match officials must take Respect in Sport for Officials.


Respect in Sport

To find upcoming courses, search by District. PMSC is in EOS (Eastern Ontario Soccer).

2025 Referee Interest

Let us know you are interested and someone will contact you to get you set up!



PMSC will provide Match Official's a uniform (shirt) and flags  that must be returned at the end of the season. If you do not have a whistle or appropriate black shorts, we will provide these as well for you to keep.


Once a PMSC Match Official attends the mandatory refresher training and completes the pre-determined number of games as per below, PMSC will reimburse any course fees and annual registration fees paid, upon submission of required documentation. 

  • Entry Level must complete 5 games
  • Small-sided must complete 3 games

**Request for reimbursement must be submitted within the appropriate season, using the Reimbursement Request Form

Returning Referees

Don't forget to complete your annual registration in order to be eligible to referee this year.

Mandatory Refresher Training

In order to successfully prepare our youth referees, there will be a mandatory refresher training each year before rec season start. Refresher training dates TBA shortly. 

Badge Replacements

Wearing your badge while you officiate is mandatory. If you've misplaced your referee badge, please make sure to replace it! The badge shows players, coaches, and parents that you have done the necessary training to officiate the game. It's also part of your uniform, which should be complete at every game you officiate.  To replace your badge, you can email Steve Carrier (PMSC Equipment Director) or contact Ontario Soccer's Match Officials team. You will likely receive your badge more quickly if you ask Steve, but you can ask Ontario Soccer if you so choose.

PMSC will attempt to host at least one Small Sided Level and one Entry Level Match Official Course per year. Please continue to check back here for our next booked courses.


Small Sided Game – 7v7, 9v9

This game is for players from U8 to U12 with a modified set of rules designed to encourage skill development in the young player. The role of the official is to apply the Laws of the Small Sided Game in a safe environment and assist in providing a fun and positive soccer experience for all participants whenever possible.

2025 Course Date

When: TBA

Where: TBA 

Registration coming soon through RefCentre


Entry Level Course - 11v11

This game is for players from U13 to U19 and follows The FIFA Laws of the Game. The role of the official is to ensure that the laws of the game are followed in a safe environment. We also encourage officials to continue the process of education started in the Small Sided Game environment.

2025 Course Date

When: TBA 

Where: TBA

Registration coming soon through RefCentre


Assistant Referee (additional to small-sided)

This course allows our second-year small-sided referees to be Assistant Referees for U12.

2025 Course Date 

When: TBA

Where: TBA